What is Lagoon Loyal?
Join your neighbors. Help restore the lagoon.
Lagoon Loyal is a Brevard County program that educates and encourages residents to commit to behaviors that benefit the health of the Indian River Lagoon and local waterways.
The Lagoon Loyal Program is managed and funded by Brevard County’s Save Our Indian River Lagoon ½ Cent Sales Tax Program and Brevard County’s Stormwater Management Program Interlocal Agreement with City of Cape Canaveral, City of Cocoa, City of Cocoa Beach, Town of Grant-Valkaria, City of Indian Harbour Beach, Town of Malabar, The City of Melbourne, and City of West Melbourne.
The Lagoon Loyal program connects residents and businesses through a cyclical rewards program to motivate and sustain long-term behaviors that improve the health and preservation of the Indian River Lagoon and nearby waterways.
Sustaining Community-wide Efforts for the Lagoon
Lagoon Loyal is not a “one and done” type of system. Residents can earn more and more points by expanding and repeating their lagoon-friendly actions, and businesses can offer larger discounts and rewards to encourage continued positive behavior while increasing foot traffic to their stores.
Individually, people may not think their activity has much impact on the lagoon. But imagine the possibilities if over 600,000 people are on the same page!
The long-term goal of Lagoon Loyal is to motivate residents and businesses to adopt positive day-to-day habits that reduce excess algae-feeding nutrients from entering the lagoon. These reductions, along with the hundreds of efforts underway via the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Program, will help heal the Indian River Lagoon for generations to enjoy.