Show Lagoon-friendly landscaping buffer near your waterway
How does this action
help our Lagoon?
If you live on a waterway, tributary or canal leading to the lagoon, it’s important to keep a vegetative buffer of native plants and shrubs near the water’s edge. This will help filter pollutants, prevent erosion and reduce sedimentation. Lagoon-friendly plants require no fertilizer, little or no extra irrigation, and minimal trimming—further preventing excess nutrients from accidentally entering the lagoon.
How much of a buffer do you need? Find your city’s fertilizer-free buffer zone.
Go one step further and plant a living shoreline or oyster reef on your waterfront property through Brevard Zoo’s Restore Our Shores Program. Mangroves stabilize the shoreline from erosion, provide a buffer zone from waves, and provide a complex habitat for marine life and birds. Oysters hold a vital role in keeping the lagoon ecosystem balanced due to their ability to filter nearly 50 gallons of water per day—providing constant water quality improvement.
Upload a photo of your
property's shoreline.
Unsure of what types of plants are Lagoon-friendly?
- Check out the Florida-friendly Landscaping Plant Guide by University of Florida IFAS Extension
- Visit your local plant nursery for advice
- Attend your city’s sustainability meetings for additional knowledge