Place yard waste on your lawn for pickup
How does this action
help our Lagoon?
When yard waste, such as branches, limbs, palm fronds and other landscape trimmings are left on the street, sidewalks or driveways, heavy rains can carry loose debris into storm drains, either clogging the system or leading to the lagoon. Once in the lagoon, yard waste begins to decay and contribute to the accumulation of muck. Muck causes algae and phytoplankton blooms, which block sunlight to seagrasses, and consume oxygen needed for fish to survive.
For more guidelines on how to prepare yard waste for collection, visit Brevard County Waste Management.
Upload a photo of yard waste placed on your lawn for pickup.
Make sure to capture the following in your photo:
- The pile of yard waste placed on your lawn
- The street, sidewalk or driveway visibly clean of yard waste
This action is repeatable once/month for points.
Join your neighbors and help restore our lagoon by completing simple actions like above